I Disappeared

I’m struggling. I say this a lot, and I’m fully aware that I sound like a broken record. But, you guys, I’m struggling.
A few months ago, I came out strong with this, “I will defeat the unhealthy habits that have taken me prisoner RAWR” attitude. And then I quickly (and with much humility) fell off the wagon.
The end of my summer melted in to a pool of confusion and adulting. It was in those last few weeks of summer freedom with my family that I found myself questioning much of what I thought I knew of who I was as a person and the relationships I had with key figures in my life. I had some very difficult conversations, and I really had to come to grips with the fact that I am a full grown adult. You’d figure by 38, I would have already had this under control. I didn’t.
This spilled in to the beginning of the school year. New students. New responsibilities. New challenges. We had a middle schooler and a kindergartner. We have a preschooler going five days a week and a toddler staying home. Then, the toddler began to fight her morning nap which was a built in hour-of-my-work time that I was facing as a loss.
So what have I done? Not much. I’ve tried to eat better, but I generally find myself barely eating and then starving by my afternoon low point. And so I go on the hunt for anything chocolate or easy-to-eat.
I started walking 2 miles a day with Baby Diva. She is a great walking partner while she munches on some cereal or sings to me. Ignoring my self-conscious feelings, I played music loud and proud so we could dance and get our groove on.
Two weeks in to doing this, I woke up in such excruciating pain that I finally let my sister and brother-in-law take me to the ER. I had a kidney stone.
i-disappearedNeedless to say, this stopped my 2 miles a day walk for about a week.
Last week, I only missed one morning. I’m trying really hard to get out of my funk, and I was able to escape for a bit this past weekend with a tribe of girl friends. It helped re-energize my spirit and give me a little perspective.
I disappeared for a while. But I’m not going anywhere. If you are willing, I’d love a little kick in the pants here and there to remind me that even though it’s slow-going, the progress will be made.
Having a community always makes the journey easier. To those of you who have supported me throughout all my endeavors — both successful and unsuccessful — I thank you.
And to those of you in the same boat: let’s do this. I’m finding that I must take control of my situation because no one else can. No one else can make me eat a healthy breakfast or skip the fast food. No one else can make me drink the water all day instead of a sweet tea. Those are choices this adult must make.
So while I may have disappeared for a while, I’m back. I’m going to tackle this adulting thing head on. Won’t you join me?

10 thoughts on “I Disappeared”

  1. I disappeared in January, than vanished in June. My head is poking back out of the clouds this week. I’m letting the invisibility cloak dip a bit.
    Food, eating is doing ok, i haven’t gained,but i haven’t exercised in months.
    Time to climb back into those spandex workout clothes.

  2. You can fall off the wagon as many times as you want, as long as you keep getting back on! I’m more than happy to be a virtual support system for you. I’ve found that lots of protein for breakfast and lunch keeps me feeling fuller longer. I bought these high protein snacks at the grocery store. They cheese, nuts, and dried fruit. They really help me make it through the day without snacking.
    PS Kidney stones suck. I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy!

    • You’re right. As long as I keep dusting myself off and getting back up… I need to get those snacks and just have them nearby. But as you know from my recent excitement: they wouldn’t give me the cheese! 🙂


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