Moving in the Right Direction

When the numbers start to change, momentum picks up. That’s what’s happening with me right now.
A couple of weeks ago, I shared my goals for getting myself back in shape and back in the healthy saddle. My first week didn’t turn out so well. In fact, I had a quick pity party before I said, “I can do this. Let’s go.”
This past week has been much better. Here’s the breakdown.
Moving in the rightdirection

Scale Victories

I’ve lost 2 pounds. Eventually I’ll share before and after pictures, but I’m still a little shy about those before pictures.

Non-Scale Victories

I don’t have a gallbladder (long story), so my body reacts weirdly to foods that shouldn’t really bother me. I was finding myself bloated even after eating seemingly healthy items like granola or oatmeal. After feeling horribly sick for a couple of days, I decided to cut out carbs. Now, before you get all worried that I’m going to the extreme, it doesn’t mean I cut them all out. I still have a sandwich, and yes I’ve had some cookies. But I’m trying to figure out the triggers. I’m happy to report that I haven’t been sick or bloated since I started doing this.
I’ve been on a couple of very intense walks, been to the pool, done a few floor exercises. I could certainly do more, but as some of my blog commenters have reminded me: baby steps. A friend reminded me that sometimes, I just have to suck it up and get sweaty. So I pushed myself to finish that 2 miles out in the sweltering heat. In the long run, it felt good.

Continued areas of improvement

I really need to do better about water (I know I’m not drinking enough) and sleeping (we’re definitely going to bed too late). We’re still binge-watching Dexter, and we don’t get to sit down until we get all the kids to sleep. Couple that with various work-related tasks I sometimes will do before we sit down, and it can get late. Last night, we didn’t watch anything but stayed up talking.
My house still needs some TLC. We are working on organizing and cleaning out the extra junk (even some of the regular junk), but that’s also a work in progress.
All in all, I’m feeling better about the steps that I’m taking. The heat is not helping with my desire to get moving, but Math Man is doing a great job of politely saying, “Did you want to walk today?” He’s good like that.
How do you keep yourself motivated when you just aren’t feeling it?

5 thoughts on “Moving in the Right Direction”

  1. Good for you on sticking with it. As long as you’re moving forward, the pace isn’t a big deal. Just keep making the next good health decision. I’ve been Pokemon GO-ing in the evenings instead of watching TV. It’s gotten me a lot more steps, but I haven’t lost any weight yet. I need to do some other exercise besides walking too.

  2. I have an appt with my Dr next month. She’s threatening statins, etc if I don’t get my genetically high cholesterol down. On the days when I’m not feeling it, I have that hanging over my head. My budget can’t handle another medical expense anymore than my body can handle another day of not doing anything.


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