Blessings: A Full Plate (Days 30-33)

Verse to ponder: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23
I’m posting 4 days worth of blessings in one post because life happened. It has been an insane last four days filled with grading, grading, my kids, grading, dog barf, grading, websites, social media, grading, image creation, social media, and more grading.
Most of the time, I lament how busy I am. I’ve talked before about how much I want to cry most days. I have so much on my plate that it’s hard to find time to get it all done (hence 4 days of blessings rolled in to one). My kids need me. I want to spend time with my husband. The dishes? Ohhh, the dishes. And I’m not kidding when I call myself, “Cluttered Genius.” The mess is real, and I have little time (or energy these days) to take care of it.
Every day, I have to figure out what is the most important task to complete so I can get to bed on time. I find myself scrambling the following morning to get ahead before I have to get the Animal for and off to school.
To say that I have a full plate is kind of an understatement. It’s more like an overflowing plate. My friends ask me what I can delete from that plate to make things less hectic. At this point? Nothing. All of what I do is based on commitments that I’ve made to someone else — whether it’s my job or a student or a fellow blogger — and I don’t break commitment easily.
So, I could constantly whine and moan about how crazy things are. Or, I could choose to see this rat race as a blessing.
I’m blessed to have jobs that pay me.
I’m blessed to have jobs that are in the field I know and love so well.
I’m blessed to be able to work from home and help support the finances of my family.
I’m blessed to have so much stuff that it clutters my house.
I’m blessed to have the family who “bugs” me and demands my time.
In the moments when I feel like I’m going to drown, I just need to remind myself that it could be worse. I could be alone. I could be jobless. I could be constantly worried about our finances.
In what parts of your busy life can you find blessings?

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