Blessings: Back Pain (Day 29)

Verse to ponder: Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27:14
Every day, I have the same battle. I roll out of bed slowly so that I can sit on the edge and let my back readjust. When I stand to take my first step, I have to do it slowly so my right hip can “pop” itself back into whatever position it would like to be.
I sit down at my desk to get some early work done, and I have to deal with the fact that Aaron (lovingly) bought me a new office chair with arms so I couldn’t sit “criss-cross-applesauce” in it. It’s my favorite way to sit. I even sit like that at the dinner table — well, usually.
_DSC8276I spend the day reminding myself to not sit certain ways or turn too quickly or bend at the waist. I remind myself to not get down on the floor unless I’m able to get on all fours to get (slowly) back up.
It’s every day these days. And I have 6.5 weeks left until Diva is due. Based on my history with babies, that means I have 6.5 weeks (or more) of this back pain left.
I want to whine about it. Actually, when people ask me how I’m doing, my answer usually revolves around how much my back hurts. I could allow it to take over my attitude — but I won’t.
Because this back pain is something I can deal with a little while longer until my baby #4 – the finale – arrives. After that, I’ll deal with other aches and pains, but she’ll be in my arms.
I’ll take a little back pain now if it means she shows up healthy in a few weeks.

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