I Choose Me

This month, the Blog with Friends group chose to go with the theme of “Name Your Poison.” I loved the idea, and had planned quite the lighthearted discussion of how I was tired of putting everyone’s needs before my own and was going to declare that it was my turn. With the events of the world developing at the pace we see them developing, that entire topic felt tone deaf and shallow. There’s too much to be learned, shared, and talked about in our current state of affairs, and in this moment, I choose ME to talk about it on this site.
What happened to George Floyd is unacceptable. And even more unacceptable is that it’s not just a single incident. We’re dealing with a systemic problem in which people with black and brown skin are targeted.
“But we shouldn’t lump all police into the same category.” I agree. We shouldn’t. However, time and time again, the misuse of force and “power” illustrates that there is a problem that needs to be remedied — whether it’s individual police officers or a larger training issue.
I don’t know the answer. But I do know that not enough of us are talking about it — or we haven’t been. The only positive I’ve seen coming out of the recent tragedies is that people are more “woke.”
As I’ve been trying to research ways to educate myself and others, I’ve found these resources. Please take the time to look them over.
If you’re struggling with understanding your part in all of this because you don’t consider yourself racist and you happen to be white, I first recommend this book: White Fragility
If you aren’t sure what to do because you’re being hit with tons of questions, I recommend this link and list of resources: SURJ Toolkit: Calling People in Around “Violence”
Maybe you don’t understand or need more information about why this is “such a big deal.” Check this out:A Decade of Watching Black People Die
And maybe it all boils down to you not understanding how George Floyd’s situation was really all that bad. Take a look: 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: How George Floyd was Killed in Police Custody
Tired of the Black Lives Matter talk? Can’t understand why anyone would pull out one group and not the rest? Check out this cartoon:

I could include so much more, but I recommend that you go and find information for yourself to answer your own questions.
At this point, when it comes to education and research, I choose me. I’m responsible for learning and for DOING something about my place in the entire situation. What will you do?

Each of my bloggy friends took a different approach with the theme, Name Your Poison. Check them out:
Garden Vegetable Fettuccine from Karen of Baking in a Tornado
I Need a New Dishwasher Because of Reasons from Tamara at Part-Time Working Hockey Mom
Spa Day is What We Need from Melissa at My Heartfelt Sentiments
Skin from Jules of The Bergham Chronicles

2 thoughts on “I Choose Me”

  1. Switzerland is quite different from the USA, which is not to say that we don’t have our own xenophobic tendencies.
    I guess what bothers me most about what’s going on in your country, is that the system can’ be trusted, some of those who should serve and protect, contribute and compound to the problem.
    I don’t have a solution, (except, step one, vote that sad excuse of a leader out this fall). I do feel that education should be improved in general, which should contribute to better opportunities and less crime. What I mean by that is there should be no “justification” to say an African American jogger must be a thief. Know what I mean?

  2. So much information out there for all of us to access, and I’m grateful for it. I am afraid, though, that those of us already cognizant of the plight of others and our role in addressing it will be the ones to seek out that information, and those unwilling to see it will choose to stay ignorant.
    The most impactful statement, for me, was the 8 minutes of black screened silence many television channels did. Really makes you understand just how LOOOOONG a period of time that is.


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