Boo-tastic Cat House

Well, y’all — looks like I’m turning in to a cat lady. Long story short: we lost both of our dogs this summer and have recently adopted a new kitten. We named her Luna, and after a very brief time of getting used to one another, she and the other cat we’ve had for about a year, Red, have hit it off and made me a cat lady. Granted, I will stop at two cats, but I can’t help it. I love them! When my BFF, Heather, tagged me in a post about Halloween houses for cats, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to make some for our furry friends.
We started with the ginormous boxes from Chewy that deliver my favorite cat litter and other goodies. Red is a big boy, so we luckily had a larger and one slightly smaller for Luna. We also had two pet beds (because I’m a sucker for spoiling these babies), and the kids suggested we put one in each box.

First, we decided on a theme for the boxes. Since Luna means moon, we opted to have a full moon and create the night sky for Luna’s box. We first spray painted the corner with yellow. Once that was dry, we covered a small part with a round can and painted the rest black. The moon turned out hauntingly awesome.
For Red, we wanted to make a Halloween house — similar to a castle — because he is currently the king of our feline family. We started by painting the entire background black.
I made sure the entry hole for Red was much bigger than that for Luna (she’s only 3 pounds!), and I taped the rest of the openings shut. We left one of the side flaps down in an attempt to make them a “landing” for their cat houses.

Using our paint pens, the kids helped me decorate. I was impressed with the kids’ ability to actually listen to my instructions and drawing some relatively difficult elements (bats, ghosts). Once I let go of my expectations of perfection, we had a great time decorating and creating their new houses.

We had to convince each of them to go in, and currently Luna is the only one of the two that goes in on a regular basis. Red is more content on one of the kitchen chairs. But the pride the kiddos have in what they created makes the entire process priceless!

This month, my blogging friends and I are linking up with the theme of Boo! Be sure to check out what they’ve created and shared:
Peanut Butter Brownie Graveyard from Karen at Baking in a Tornado
A Little Halloween Fun in the Shower from Tamara at Part-Time Working Hockey Mom
Bodie Ghost Town: The Best Ghosts are all in my Mind from Kia at The Ground Beneath my Feet
Boo! Treats from Dawn at Spatulas on Parade
Quick and Easy Halloween Treat from Melissa at My Heartfelt Sentiments

3 thoughts on “Boo-tastic Cat House”

  1. What a fabulous project, I would love to be a cat at your house! If you make up your mind about a possibly adopting a third kitten, let me know. I’ll be good, I promise.


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