Let it Go

It is pretty much 100% out of character for me to let go. As strange as some of the people who know me would think it is (most people think I’m laid back and chill — hilarious), it’s imperative that I be in charge of almost any situation I’m in. When it comes to crafts and recipes and other such activities with my kids, it’s even harder to simply sit back and watch. That’s why, when it comes to cookies lately, I’m learning to simply Let. It. Go.
When Sassy Pants was younger, I was always determined that whatever we created would be Pinterest-worthy…and that was before Pinterest was even a thing. I suppose that the typical situation has happened: 4 kids in to this, and I almost don’t care anymore.
I mean, I care. They’re my kids, and I love them beyond reason. But does it matter that the cookies look like an elf exploded? It does not.
icing cookies kids
That’s why, as we entered the holiday season, I just helped them make the cookie dough and did my best to stand to the back of the room.
It resulted in dog-hair cookies. Yum. But these kids were so excited to have created their weird looking cookies.
cookies made by kids
The key, I’ve found, is recognizing that the cookies will likely not taste so great after being handled so much by teeny hands. This way, I’m not disappointed when I want to eat one only to find out that it’s horrifying.
Instead, the kids are making art and memories and fun with one another. They’re even learning some teamwork as we discover how to best keep the dough from sticking to the roller and the edges from burning in the oven.
rolling out cookie dough
No mind that a few weeks later, the twenty-something babysitter was able to make cookies with the kids that were ready to be purchased in a bakery.
And no mind that all of the Littles told me we should probably call Grammy because she knows what she’s doing and Mommy has no clue.
None of that matters. We’re making memories, and I’m not stressed out.

It’s National Cookie Day, and I took a lot of liberty with the theme. But my bloggy friends have recipes! Go forth and bake:
Chocolate Mint Slice and Bake Cookies from Baking in a Tornado
Lemon Meringue Cookies for National Cookie Day by Spatulas on Parade
Cook-eeee! from On the Border

3 thoughts on “Let it Go”

  1. I agree with Karen. Kids will never make bakery perfect cookies to serve guest at your next holiday party but they will make fun, memories, tons of laughs and they will eat them. It’s messy. It’s loud, but one day they will be gone and all you’ll have are these memories of messy kitchen floors and dog hair cookies. So enjoy! Relax. Be “chill” this holiday season. One day they will thank you.


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