The kiss that shook me (a poem)

Last night, Math Man and I kissed each other goodnight, and I realized: we’ve been kissing for a decade. A decade. While our children now take up more of our time than anything else does, there are still those kisses with him that remind me why we fell in love in the first place.
I’ll paint a little picture for you. We met at Chili’s for our first date. He had his sunglasses on as we walked in. When he lifted those glasses, the first thing I saw were his striking blue eyes. If you know him, you know. Then, he smiled. Heaven help me, we hadn’t even started chatting yet, and I was basically sold.
Three hours of conversation later, and I knew I needed to see this man again. It would take over a week for us to get back together.
When we did, we went bowling. We laughed and talked, and I thoroughly enjoyed our time together. But then. THEN.
He walked me to my car. We started chatting a bit. And you know how it goes…he pulled me to him for a kiss. The best (and my favorite) part of the story was when I went to put my hands on his waist and realized: it was rock solid. To this day, I remind him of that moment and how I couldn’t believe how strong he was and how solid he was. He’s a humble kind of guy, so he still just smiles and chuckles a bit when I remind him.
My girlfriends received an earful. THIS was the guy. We barely knew each other, but I was shook.
kiss that shook me

The kiss that shook me

Date number two.
You’d already wooed
Me with your eyes of blue —
that smile, too.
Patiently, I awaited —
my breath — bated
every slow second I hated
as my heart you’d invaded.
A night of pure laughter
in the long run, a factor
of all fears you’d shatter
while my heart went pitter-patter.
A giggle in the parking lot
my face, flush and hot
as you pulled me closer and I forgot
any other location beside this spot.

First kisses are so special. And they are even more special when you can think back fondly on how you just knew the person was the one. I just knew. There were no doubts, and less than two months later, we were engaged. Now, 4 kids in, and we’re set for life.
This month’s poetry theme is International Kissing Day. Go see what my blogging buddies created!
Just One Kiss” from Karen at Baking in a Tornado
Finding Her Prince” from Dawn at Cognitive Script
슬픈 사랑 or This Sad Love” from Kim at That Writer Junkie Writes
Just Kiss Him” from Diane at On The Border

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