#3DLightFX (Review)

Flash (3) has a very distinct love for Paw Patrol. In fact, he really loves any of the shows where someone comes to the rescue or is called for help. When we play outside, one of his favorite games is to get on the tricycle and request that we yell, “Help! Help!” so he can come to see what’s wrong and offer his services.
When we had a chance to receive and review a #3DLightFX light for him, there was no question that we’d order one from Paw Patrol. He says his favorite character is Chase, so that sealed the deal.
Chase 3DLightFX
Available from Target, our Paw Patrol Chase 3DLightFX light arrived in a basic box like what you’d find when you shop at the store. Easy enough to open and crazy easy to install, Flash was super pumped to have Chase with him every night.
The first cool part is the sticker that you apply to the wall. It creates a “cracked” effect so that Chase (or the character you’ve chosen) appears to be breaking through the wall. Flash found this extremely interesting as it added to his vivid imagination that Chase and crew are real.
Then, the installation is pretty darn easy as well. The sticker itself has guides to help you determine where to place screws in the wall so you can hang the light. Math Man opted for a slightly different choice: velcro. As we are soon to be rearranging rooms, we didn’t want to add more holes to the wall. The light isn’t so dense that it pulls the velcro. Easy peasy.
Lastly, the light is easy for kids to turn on. It is an LED light with a 60 minute timer. This is perfect for Flash and bedtime. He feels independent in turning the light on, and then it turns off without using up too much battery (another nice feature!) or shining in his face and creating a reason to wake up in the middle of the night.

He woke up the morning after we installed so excited to have Chase with him. His newest request is that we get all the pups and Ryder!
You can get your own cordless, cool to the touch 3DLightFX from Target and make that kid (or kids) in your house extra super excited!
I received this product free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% mine.

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