Dear 2016

Dear 2016,
Hey, girl. I hope you aren’t too hurt after what everyone is saying about you. There were some good times. There were some really ugly times. I just want you to know that, like me, I realize that you were growing. Becoming a better you. Figuring out all that life has to offer. It was a year of growing up for me, too. Although you’re getting a bad rap, I do have some fond memories of our time together.
With you, I learned that I am pretty strong. Granted, 2004-2007 was a super rough period, but I was young and kind of dumb and time helped me forget how awful that was. This year, I’m not sure I’ll forget as quickly.
In January of 2016, our family developed the scourge. Ok, not the scourge but Hand, Foot & Mouth — which may as well have been the same thing. Because of it, my baby stopped nursing and refused me for the rest of her first year. I had to swallow everything I ever said about pumping and bottle feeding and just do it. I had to let go of the “control” I thought I had. I had to place my faith in the One who would take care of it. I certainly had no means of making things better on my own.
The remainder of the Winter and the Spring had some across-the-board concerns. You got everyone worked up with potential political candidates. We started losing celebrities — it was like you were trying to ruin my 80s childhood, 2016. David Bowie. Nancy Reagan. George Gaynes (Henry from Punky Brewster!). Garry Shandling. Prince. Muhammad Ali.
That was just the beginning. The rest of 2016 held several personal struggles for my family and me. There was mom’s fall and subsequent scare. There was my kidney stone incident. There was the pancreas freak out that turned out to be basically nothing.
It was rough, 2016. Our nation even elected quite the controversial and debate-stirring candidate. I think there was a collective holding-of-breath for about two weeks before, during, and after Election Day.
Despite all of the things that will ensure you’re made fun of for a long, long time, there were some happy moments.
Folks had fun with Pokemon Go. There was a funny Mannequin Challenge. My oldest started middle school. The Animal started kindergarten. Our kids said some cute stuff. One of my besties married the man of her dreams. Several of my friends had babies. Our country showed up well in the Olympics. The United States had their first female candidate on a major party ticket (come on, no matter what side you’re on — this is cool).
There were some good times. But girlfriend, it’s time for you to go. Luckily for you, there’s this whole thing called New Year’s, and you can just quietly walk away while everyone is sweeping up the party confetti.
So, my dear 2016, here’s to the lessons we’ve learned, the pain that made us stronger, and the laughter that — no matter what the negative moments might try to convince us — really did light up the days.
Cluttered Genius
dear 2016 featured

6 thoughts on “Dear 2016”

  1. Here I was thinking that 2016 was such an awful year. This is a great reminder that even in the darkest moments there is always something good that can still come out of it!


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