Q: Quiet Reminders #AtoZChallenge

Life can be stressful. That’s no shocker. And in the stress of my day-to-day life, I tend to forget to slow down and look at all the awesome things happening. Amidst the dirty dishes and scattered toy cars, there is absolute beauty surrounding me.
Today, I spent a few minutes outside with the boys and the baby. I had left my phone in the house which gave me a chance to be completely present. I looked over and heard the boys in the sandbox making up voices and cheering each other on for whatever random task they’d completed. They were playing so sweetly together.
Then tonight, as Flash was singing, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot,” the Animal chimed in. And for just a couple of moments, their sweet voices were in unison. The smiles on their faces were outstanding.
Or yesterday morning when Math Man and I were hugging. I looked over his shoulder to see Flash’s face broken in the biggest of grins. He was saying, “Look at them!” to his brother who joined him in giggling about our PDA.
When I put Baby Diva to bed, she laid her head on my shoulder and chewed on a finger. She rubbed her face against mine, quietly asking for a kiss, and I obliged. She settled into my shoulder, and I heard and felt her sigh of comfort and peace.
And Sassy Pants? She made dinner all by herself tonight and had everything prepped when we came in the house from playing. She even had the presentation of the food on point — and it was delicious.
I love these quiet reminders that I have all I could ever need right here under my roof.

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