Thankful: Family &

Every year in November, I try to post on Facebook a daily expression of my thankfulness. This year, I’ve decided to go one step further and blog daily with these thankful posts. Considering how overwhelmed I’ve been lately, I thought this series would do one of two things. First, it would force me to write every day which is a source of therapy for me. Secondly, it would help me focus on all the wonderful things and people I have in my life.
Recently, I started using Periscope. Math Man had mentioned it to me months and months ago, and I sort of brushed it off as something I’d probably never want to get involved in.
But then I started playing, and now I see it as an avenue to do a lot of the things I’d like to do.
On Periscope, I can share my essential oils with a new audience (or rather, new to me).
I can connect with other bloggers and teachers and parents and provide my tips for how to survive all of the above.
And I can use it as a tool to see and talk to my friends and family who live at a distance.
In fact, a few weeks ago, I connected on Periscope with my former exchange student. She showed me all around her office and got to practice her English a little.
My good friend, Diana, lives across the country in Washington, so she and I can see each other this way as well. If I want to show off the kids, I can use Periscope to do it.
Now, most of what you see on Periscope is public. But I recently figured out how to make a scope (that’s what a broadcast is called) private so that I can talk to friends and family without the entire world seeing.
Watch my video here for tips on how to connect with family. I also include tips on how to do a basic scope.

I’m thankful that Periscope and other handy online tools exist. It’s just another way to keep up with long lost relatives who, otherwise, wouldn’t have a chance to see my kids (or me!) as they grow.
Now go check out my other blogging friends and their posts about family.
Someone Else’s Genius & Family Trees
Baking in a Tornado Fall Harvest Stuffing
The Liebers Family Pumpkin Display
Home on Deranged and How to Survive the Family Holiday Season without going Nuts

6 thoughts on “Thankful: Family &”

  1. I love this, I’ve been hearing about Periscope and just kept thinking “ugh, I need to figure out what this is”. You answered all my questions. I’m especially glad to see that you have the option of doing private scopes too since my family is so far away.

  2. This is the first Periscope tutorial I’ve actually watched. It looks interesting. If it’s anything like other social media channels, I’ll say I’m not going to do it and then in a few months I’ll cave in! LOL


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