Blessings: A Child's Heart (Day 37)

Verse to ponder: And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:2-6
Today started out great. I got the Animal to school, and the teacher who took him out of the car asked if he was ready for the Easter party. I said, “Oh, today is the party?” We smiled at each other, and I was excited to hear his report of the day when he got home.
In between dropping him off and picking him up, Flash and I cleaned house and did the normal morning routine. We headed to pick up the Animal, and I was even excited to be a little bit early.
When his teacher was helping him in the car, she said, “He sure missed you today during the singing.” My heart stopped. Singing?! That’s what they do when the parents come to watch.
I said, “It wasn’t on the calendar?!?!”
Her response? “It was in the letter I sent home.”
In basically no time, I was in tears. I tried to keep it together when I buckled him in, but even Flash realized I was upset and kept saying, “Cry? Cry?”
I sobbed most of the way home. I called Aaron. He wasn’t particularly happy either.
And that’s when I found the letter she was talking about. Right on the kitchen counter. And it very clearly explained that parents were invited to come hear the kids sing and then hang out for the Easter egg hunt.
I missed the Easter egg hunt.
My child was all alone – probably confused as to why we weren’t there while other kids had their parents. In fact, his teacher had already told me that he was upset but they’d “handled it.”
So I asked him who walked with him for the egg hunt. And he told me: his teacher.
My heart sank.
But how did he continue on for lunch and playing with his brother? Like nothing had happened. He was over it.
Because in his sweet heart, it was no big deal. Yes, he was upset in the moment, but he didn’t continue to dwell on it. He didn’t make me feel guilty. He didn’t try to manipulate me. He just went on about his day.
I wish I could be like that on a daily basis. Just have constant faith that everything would be fine because my parents are there and will take care of me. To not dwell on the negative but to instead go about my day and be just plain happy.
To have the faith and humility of a child. To have a child’s heart. That’s today’s blessing.

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