Blessings: Take Out (Day 27)

Verse to ponder: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28
It’s another one of those days where I’m just thankful for the simple things. I’m no where near interested in cooking dinner as it means I need to stand up. I don’t want to stand any longer than needed right now.
The last few nights, I’ve just caved and bought dinner for the family. It’s not the healthiest, but it’s food. And I didn’t have to do a ton of standing. Because I’m tired.
And then tonight, it hit again. I told Aaron he could either figure something out or let me know where he wanted me to go (I was taking Miss Sassy Pants to dance). He caved, too. We went to a local BBQ joint and picked up some good BBQ and sides. And can I just say… “Yum.”
Sometimes, we just need take out. Sometimes, we have to admit that we can’t do it all. And sometimes, we have to go eat the banana pudding we ordered as part of the take out before we go to bed. 😉

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