HitStory! (The first history app for toddlers!)

We spend a lot of time on the iPad when the Animal and I are hanging out. He loves it. He loves feeling so big and independent. Lately, he’s learned how to play Angry Birds, take a video of himself, and shoot a selfie.
That’s why Aaron and I strive to make sure that we have educational apps on the iPad so that the Animal won’t be sitting and mindlessly doing things that won’t further his intelligence.
We had the chance to review a new app called HitStory Kids. This app is the first history app for toddlers!
Right now, there is one “scene” available, and it’s the Columbus Sails scene. Check it out here:
The goal is for your child to search for Peekaboo Peet, a really cute hedgehog, in the images of the scene.
As we played, we heard the men on the ship singing, “The 3 Ships Sailed.” The first part of the scene illustrates Columbus leaving Spain to sail for the New World.
The second scene shows the three ships on their voyage and the men watching for new land. In each scene, your child searches for Peet. If you find him, he shows up and dances a little jig on the bottom of the screen. In this scene, we found Peet playing in the water that comes from the blowhole of this very cute, purple whale.
The last scene illustrates Columbus arriving and interacting with the natives. There are lots of places to look for Peet on the sandy beach and in the barrels that the natives have.
The Animal’s favorite part is finding Peet. He could be hiding in a barrel or up in the stars. When you find him, he sings a little ditty and shows up in the middle of your screen doing a little dance. In fact, the Animal loves finding Peet so much that he took the time to color all over one of the screens (don’t worry, it’s another app we have that allows us to color on pictures!):
Once you’ve found Peet three times in each piece of the scene, you have filled in your logbook for that scene. Then, filling in the log will let you move on to the next scene.
As a parent, I like that he’s being exposed to images he’ll learn about later in school. We can talk about the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. We can sing along to the sailors’ song. We can talk about King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and their funding for his search of the Orient. Then, we can really talk about what Columbus actually found.
The next scene that HitStory Kids will be releasing is “Going West.” Check out a sneak peek here!

You can download HitStory through the iTunes app.
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Disclaimer: I downloaded this app for free but with the understanding that I would write a review. I was not otherwise compensated. All opinions are my own.

28 thoughts on “HitStory! (The first history app for toddlers!)”

  1. There are so many! I love history (total nerd!) and we have lots of local history where we live, so I guess I would love for them to interested in learning about that, and to find a fun way to teach them about it.

    • I think knowing the history is a big deal. What is it they say? History repeats itself? And we have to learn from the past? (And I’m a total nerd, too!)

      • Yes – another History nerd 🙂 LOL I will say though, I didn’t really get into history until college… But I agree with – knowing history is a big deal, plus its just so fascinating for me to see how people lived 100+ years ago.

  2. I would love for my children to learn about the Constitution Convention in a fun way so that they would have a better chance of remembering the details about it.

    • This would definitely be a good one! Some of the history seems so drab and boring – I think the kids would appreciate and remember more if they had something fun with music to remember it!

    • You’re right. The more fun it is, the more they remember! I experience this in the classroom with my students, as well!

  3. The signing of the Declaration of Independence would be a good one! I love history but have struggled to make it interesting for my kids. This would definitely help.

    • I actually used to hate history, too. Then, I started teaching and had to know it in order to teach the literature. Smacked myself in the forehead a few times for not paying close enough attention in high school!

  4. I love history (but not studying it), so this would be an awesome app. I’m sure learning anything historical from a fun app would stay with a child far longer than anything read out of a textbook.


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