GiggleBellies: Favorite YouTube Channel #1

faveyoutubechannel_edited-1We watch a lot of YouTube in our house, lately. The Animal is 2 and a half, and he can control the iPad on his own. Since he was about 8 months old, we’ve been showing him kids’ videos on YouTube. I would venture to guess that these videos are partially responsible for the fact that at this young age, he already knows his ABCs, can count to 20 (to ten in Spanish and German), knows his planets in order, can identify all of his shapes (including trapezoid, sector, and parallelogram), and knows his colors (his favorite seems to be cyan).
There are a few channels on YouTube that we return to over and over. Over the course of the next few weeks, I’m going to share some of our favorites with you.
One of our first favorites is the GiggleBellies.
The GiggleBellies is a channel for kids with really fun characters. We first found them when we were searching for songs about elephants, and we stumbled upon their video about Peanut the Elephant. Couple that with the fact that the Animal’s favorite lovey is an elephant we named, Peanut, and we found a new channel for our family.
Check out the Peanut video here.

These days, the Animal prefers songs like, “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and “The Wheels on the Bus.”
The GiggleBellies offer 42 catchy videos that teach kids colors, ABCs, and some of our favorite traditional children’s songs.
You can check out the GiggleBellies on their website and even purchase your own DVD of their songs and videos. Keep up with the GiggleBellies by visiting their blog.
You can follow GiggleBellies on Twitter or Facebook.

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