Moments of Genius: Relaxed, Fun, Easy Anniversary Celebration

Welcome to another Moments of Genius link-up. I hope you’ll link up your favorite post from the week that illustrates your brilliance — whether sarcastic or serious.
Yesterday was mine and Aaron’s fourth anniversary. Since I’m waddling around at 8+ months pregnant, we knew we couldn’t do something crazy like go to an amusement park or spend the day riding go-carts. Instead, we opted to do things that were meaningful to our relationship and experiences together over the last five years.

First Stop

We started by going bowling. I know you’re thinking, “Um, 8 months pregnant and bowling?” But, it wasn’t that hard! I had to learn which direction to turn the belly (pointed it to the left since I’m right handed) and how to properly bend my knees. After the first game, I got really good.
See? Score of the first game was pretty low for both of us. It’s been a while.


In the second game, we were tied for a bit. I had to rub this in. (If you look closely, you’ll see that really, we aren’t tied because Aaron had gotten a spare and the points had not been added yet.)


By the end of the second game, even I had broken 100. Felt like a beast.


I couldn’t resist taking a picture of our bellies. Well, my belly and Aaron’s with a bowling ball. Thought it would be cute for memories later.


Second Stop

After hurrying in to the maternity shop at the local mall, we ran (and by ran, I mean walked very briskly) to watch GI Joe: Retaliation on the IMAX in 3D. It was fun — and loud. Honestly, I really enjoyed the movie as it had the perfect blend of action, cheesy humor, and cute men.

Third Stop

After the movie, we were on a mission to find Aaron some new jeans. So, we did do a decent amount of walking for this endeavor. I will say that I was super tired by now, and my back was KILLING me. Finally, we made it to Chili’s for dinner. Chili’s holds a special place in our history because that was where we had our first date and first meeting. Every year, we try to go on the anniversary of our first date. But, since Flash is most likely going to be here before we hit that special milestone, we took this opportunity to go.


Fourth Stop

Our last official stop was to get some ice cream. This was high on my list of “must do,” and I was even extra good at Chili’s. I got a salad instead of the burger and fries I probably would have chosen so that I could enjoy my ice cream. And boy did I:


When we got home, we were exhausted – but it was such a nice anniversary treat for ourselves to be together, able to chat, and without the kids (thanks, Mom). We both crashed pretty hard when we went to sleep.
What are your favorite things to do to celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, and other milestones?

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