A bridge for my Daisy

I’m now going to add “architect” to my resume. (JPS, be proud.)

Miss Sassy Pants had her Daisy bridging ceremony tonight. Aaron and I offered to make sure there was a bridge of some sort since our meeting location didn’t have any bridges nearby. I searched the Internet for examples and suggestions and found several awesome ideas, but in my new quest to do things that are recyclable and cheap, I loved the suggestion to use an upside down table the best: All About Bridges (page 1).
How did I do it?
  • Found a rectangular table that didn’t have any weird bars across the bottom.
  • Turned it upside down and laid a few pieces of burlap over the bottom so it didn’t just look like an upside down table.
  • Used an old carpet runner (thanks for the borrow, Mom) to lay across to look like the bridge part.
  • Braided some green rope-like material with some pink ribbon to make the sides of the bridge.
  • Added fake daisies and other flowers around the bottom of the bridge to make it look like it was outside.
  • Blew up balloons to add just that extra special something.
Here was the finished product:
I have to give major credit to Mom and Pam. Without you two, I’m certain it wouldn’t have looked as pretty.
The girls loved it, and the Animal kept crossing it…so, it must have really looked like a bridge! And the best part? Other than the balloons, it cost me absolutely nothing, and I repurposed other materials and therefore, saved the world a little.

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